New Offerings from Two Tales Press

My indie press is a place for experiments as much as a spot to publish my shorter work that doesn’t fit the traditional mode. This month, several projects I’ve been working on are finished and ready for sale.

(Print, Digital, Audio)

So many of you have asked for a print option for my short stories, and I listened. This hefty collection features 2 shorts (Gray Lady, Lady Gray and Catwood) and 2 novellas (The Endarkening and The Omen Days), and a sneak peek of LIE TO ME. And even more fun, I engaged the services of the brilliant Courtney Parker and Basil Sands to record the audiobook. So however you like to read, there’s a format especially for you.

NO ONE KNOWS - UK, Australia, Commonwealth version, German translation
(Print and Digital)

This is my first foray into publishing an actual novel, and I’ve been very excited by the response, especially in Germany. Having a book translated isn’t cheap, but if it continues to move copies, I may look at a few more translations in countries in which I sell well traditionally, especially French and Dutch. 

The book has a slightly different ending than its US counterpart, as well, so added bonus for you!

DEAD ENDS: Stories from the Gothic South
(Print, Digital, Audio)

The first anthology published by Two Tales features 13 southern gothic tales all centering around a single house. It’s a winner of a collection, with superb stories from a lot of my awesome writer friends. And it’s now available in a fabulous audiobook edition, read by Courtney Parker. 

There’s more to come from Two Tales this fall, including an anthology I am chomping at the bit to announce. Soon, lovelies, soon….

Thank you for supporting this fun indie venture. It means the world to me!